Get a Free Quote On Collecting Your Judgment Today!

If you have a judgment that you have not been able to collect on call us immediately for a free consultation. We have the experience, resources and tenacity that is needed to get you paid. Call 407-374-0000 or fill out the form on this page and one of our intake specialists will call you immediately!

Our team is experienced in handling wage and bank garnishments. We have the resources to locate places of employment and bank accounts so that your garnishment efforts yield results. 

Our affiliate attorneys are skilled at conducting property levy's and writs of execution for debtors for even the most stubborn judgment debtors. Our team knows how to locate these assets and the quickest way to turn them into cash. 

The network of attorneys we work with specialize in debt collections. They know how to handle debtors exams and depositions to get even the most savvy debtors to provide actionable information that results in getting your judgment paid.

Have a complex case? Are you dealing with trying to find royalties or accounts payable to attach to your judgment? Our team is skilled with using assignment motions to intercept your funds before they ever reach the debtors hands. 

Our team knows how to put pressure on your debtor today. Instead of waiting months for the court to issue orders, our team will leverage all pressure that we can with the regulators charged with oversight of your debtors business. Outstanding judgments prevent many businesses from renewing or even maintaining licenses resulting in swift resolutions without the delays of the court process.

Our team is experienced at locating and filing against active bonds that your debtor may maintain. Bond claims put immediate pressure on your debtor and can result in a quick influx of cash towards your outstanding judgment.